1. How do I add documents?

Once the plugin is activated you can find ‘Add Document’ button in your WordPress visual editor. Just click on that and follow your heart.

2. File not found error in my localhost site!

The viewers (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online) do not support locally hosted files. Your document has to be available online for the viewers to access.

3. Google Docs Viewer shows Bandwidth exceeded or File can’t be opened error.

The issue is caused by Google Docs Viewer, not the plugin. Google Docs Viewer is a standalone documents viewer which doesn’t limit bandwidth. When the problem occurs, usually reloading the page will result in the document loading properly. If it is still not working try changing the viewer to Microsoft Office Online (for MS Office Documents) or upload document to your Google Drive and embed it directly from there.

4. Large files are not working

The viewers can handle files of a limited size only (Maximum 8MB for Google Docs Viewer and 10MB for Microsoft Office Online). Try your best to keep the documents under 5MB. Check out some ways to reduce file size. If you have a larger file you want to embed in your website, try uploading it to your Google Drive or Box.com account and embed directly from there.

5. Download link not showing up for the files embedded from Google Drive and Box.com.

The services do not let us access direct URLs of documents they host. So EAD cannot generate a download link for the files hosted with Google Drive and Box.com

6. File is updated but Microsoft Office Online Viewer is still showing the old document.

Microsoft Office Online does cache your document for a few hours. Their own documentation recommends you to save it as a different document and embed again in case if you have any modifications. Cache can’t be cleared manually. In such cases pleases use Google Docs Viewer instead and switch on ‘Don’t cache’ option (from version 1.1)

7. Can I remove download button from the viewer?

Embed Any Document makes use of the cloud services Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online to embed and display documents easily in a WordPress website. Unfortunately we do not have privilege to alter any features and options that comes by default with the viewers, including the download button.

8. Video and Audio are not playing in Embedded files?

The viewers (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online Viewer) do not support audio and video playback on embedded files.

9. Google Drive popup shows an error.

Usually errors show up when the API settings are not configured properly. In that case, please double-check the API configurations with the steps. Make sure you have enabled Drive API and Google Picker API in API Manager. If it’s still not working, try generating a new API key and client ID.

Common Errors

1. The API developer key is invalid: One of the reason that causes this error is the URL format of ‘HTTP Referrer’ you have submitted in Browser API Key section. Use wildcards to make sure it works perfectly throughout the website. If your website is http://example.com, enter *.example.com/* as HTTP Referrer, without the ‘http://’ protocol

2. Error 400 – origin_mismatch: Double checking the ‘Javascript Origin URL’ you have submitted for ‘Client ID’ would usually solve this issue. Unlike the HTTP Referrer URL, you cannot use any wildcards here and it must contain the ‘http’ protocol. If you are using this plugin on http://news.example.com/, enter http://news.example.com as Javascript Origin URL, without the trailing slash ‘/’.

NOTE: Any change you make in the API settings may take 5 to 10 minutes to reflect in your website.

10. Dropbox popup shows an error.

Please open your Dropbox API settings and check if you have your domain name added properly in in ‘Chooser/Saver Domain’ field.

Last updated

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